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Faith Boren
Aug 28, 2023
Drive Safely - Back to School!
HISD starts back to school today, and many other schools are already in session. Whether you have school age kiddos or not, we are all...

Andy Adams
Dec 26, 2022
Rest In Peace, Debra Sue (Sherrill) Adams, You Are Worth Far More than Rubies
Debra Sue (Sherrill) Adams now lives her eternal life with Christ Our Savior. She died in Houston, Texas surrounded by her family on...

Faith Boren
Nov 15, 2022
Let's #EndTheStreak
#EndTheStreakTX is a TXDOT campaign to end the terrible “streak” of deaths on Texas roadways. Every single day, someone dies on Texas...

Andy Adams
Jul 1, 2022
The Fates of the Signers
Please take a moment this weekend to reflect on the signers of the Declaration. We know the names of many of them - John Hancock, John...

Andy Adams
Jan 13, 2022
SCOTUS Strikes Down OSHA Vaccine Mandate
In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has held OSHA's mandatory vaccination order for employers with 100 or more employees to be...

Faith Boren
Jan 11, 2022
Focus on Leading Indicators
As we set targets for this new year, consider these six leading indicators to bring focus on safety at your business.

Andy Adams
Jan 4, 2022
75 Years & Counting . . .
2022 marks our 75th year caring for the insurance needs of our customers. That sort of longevity is uncommon and it is a blessing that...
Andy Adams
Oct 15, 2021
Employer Mandate Wars!
It's now mid-October and Texas employers are caught in the middle. On the one hand, we have the federal government telling us that an...
Andy Adams
Sep 13, 2021
Employer Vaccine Mandates?
Last week, President Biden announced a surprise federal vaccine mandate for employers with more than 100 employees. Since that time,...

Andy Adams
Sep 11, 2021
9/11 After 20 Years
It isn't hard to recall the feelings and emotions of 9/11 even 20 years on. Over the years we have shared quite a few tributes and...

Andy Adams
Apr 9, 2021
The new ARPA COBRA rules: You are kidding me, right?
I have been waiting for this to be revealed as a very elaborate April Fool's joke, but I have now given up hope that is the case. This...

Andy Adams
Feb 7, 2021
Essential: A Tribute to Construction Working Through COVID
As a member of the ASA Houston Chapter Board of Directors, I was honored to work on the above short video: Essential: A Tribute to...

Andy Adams
Sep 10, 2020
9/11 @ 19: Police & Firefighters Still Run Toward the Danger
On the anniversary of 9/11 it has become customary to honor our "first responders" as we now call them -- the police, firefighters, and...

Andy Adams
Aug 25, 2020
Ode to Space City Weather
Now that we have inaugurated the 2020 Hurricane season with the tag team of Marco and Laura, I reminded of my fondness for Space City...

Andy Adams
Aug 6, 2020 to Offer Auto Insurance . . .
In India. From Business Insurance: The platform Amazon Pay will offer automobile and motorcycle insurance policies in partnership with...

Andy Adams
Aug 6, 2020
If At First You Don't Succeed . . .
Despite the failures of the first few lawsuits (so far) to force insurance carriers to cover business interruptions related to the...

Andy Adams
Jul 16, 2020
Beware COVID-19 Fraud
I guess we should not have been surprised, but *some* employees out there are trying to take advantage of the 10 days of sick pay the...

Andy Adams
Jul 3, 2020
Texas Mandates Masks
Governor Greg Abbott has ordered mask wearing throughout the State of Texas unless you are in an exempted county. You can read the full...

Andy Adams
Jun 26, 2020
Harris County Zip Code COVID Tracker
Not sure if this is helpful in anyway, but this tool slices the COVID cases by zip code.

Andy Adams
Jun 26, 2020
What the Declaration Means . . .
A better age would give Calvin Coolidge his due as a President of the United States. But given our current fever, maybe it is best that...
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