Starting January 1, 2015, OSHA's updated record keeping rule will expand the list of severe injuries that all employers must report to OSHA. Establishments located in states under federal OSHA jurisdiction must begin to comply with the new requirements; those located in states that operate their own safety and health programs should check with their state plan for the implementation date of the new requirements.
Previously, employers had to report all work-related fatalities and hospitalizations of three or more employees. Now, employers have to report the following to OSHA:
All work-related fatalities must be reported within 8 hours.
All work-related inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or eye loss incident must be reported within 24 hours.
For any fatality that occurs within 30 days of a work-related incident, employers must report the event within 8 hours.
These new rules may just seem like common sense, but make sure your company is in compliance. And of course if there is a major accident or fatality on your job site, you should notify Adams Insurance as your risk managers and safety advisors.
For the complete fact sheet just released by OSHA, click here.