Sr. Commercial Account Manager

Janet Williams joined Adams Insurance Service in June of 2013 as a Commercial Lines Account Manager. Originally from Syracuse, New York, Janet made it to Houston 20 years ago. Jumping into work at St. Paul right out of high school, she went back to college later to get her accounting degree. But insurance kept calling her name and she went on to handle commercial accounts at USI Southwest and Willis.
Janet is married with 3 children and 3 grandchildren at last count. When she’s not working at Adams, she loves singing harmony on songs like ‘Margaritaville’ and ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ during our office hootenannies. She has been known to jump up and join any local band she sees performing.
If you come by the office you’ll see a beautiful framed photo on Janet’s desk. It’s a tribute to her late parents – their 1943 wedding photo. Janet said of the photo, ‘Both of them have long passed so
I keep the picture out to remind me that they’re together again.’