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Andy Adams
Jul 23, 2019
So Now Democrats Want to Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Go figure.
Who knew that eventually even Democrats would turn on Obamacare? All of the top tier contenders for the Democratic nomination for...
Andy Adams
Jun 30, 2017
Ted Cruz’s “Consumer Freedom Amendment” could save health care reform!
This is what defeat looks like. Exhausted, bleeding, and encrusted in the gore of the battlefield, the soldiers have fought a good...
Andy Adams
Jan 23, 2017
Repeal & Replace With What?
It seems all but certain that Republicans will repeal as much of Obamacare as they can through the reconciliation process that only...
Andy Adams
Jul 29, 2016
ACA Non-discrimination rules will effectively mandate coverage for "gender transition" ser
The Section 1557 Non-discrimination regulations for the ACA were released in May, and the carriers are releasing their notices and...

Andy Adams
Jan 19, 2016
Form 1094-C and 1095-C IRS Recordkeeping Rules Driving Employers CRAZY!
In spite of the delay of the deadline to file the Form 1094 and 1095, employers subject to the recordkeeping requirements (those with 50+...
Andy Adams
Dec 2, 2015
United Healthcare "might" leave Obamacare Exchanges . . . SHOCKING? Really?
In the Pixar/Disney movie Finding Nemo, a major plot device is the extremely short-term memory of a fish named Dory (indeed, it looks...
Andy Adams
Nov 2, 2015
Yes, Obamacare is still a trainwreck . . .
This WSJ editorial on The Slow Motion Implosion of Obamacare is worth your time. It details the practical realities of why enrollments...
Andy Adams
Oct 5, 2015
ACA Small Group Definition WILL NOT go to 100
A small portion of the ACA was quietly repealed last week. The provisions that require the definition of a "small group" under the ACA...
Andy Adams
Jun 25, 2015
SCOTUS on Jonathan Gruber: WHODAT?
Remember Jonathan Gruber? Yeah, neither does the SCOTUS. Jonathan Gruber was the Obamacare architect that made it clear to everyone...
Andy Adams
Jun 11, 2015
King v. Burwell: Place Your Bets!
This month either Obamacare will be sustained once again by the Supreme Court of the United States or it will see a major setback. Which...
Andy Adams
Feb 27, 2015
Cadillac Tax Man Cometh After HSAs
If you drive a car, I'll tax the street If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat If you get too cold I'll tax the heat If you take a walk,...

Andy Adams
Nov 12, 2014
Obamacare Architect's Contempt for the American People Knows No Boundaries
Jonathan Gruber is an interesting case. He is an MIT professor that was one of the chief architects for Romneycare in Massachusetts and...
Andy Adams
Nov 11, 2014
King v. Burwell going to SCOTUS
You may recall the circuit panel ruling in Halbig v. Burwell this past Summer. This is a little case with huge potential implications...
Andy Adams
Oct 2, 2014
Can Obamacare really "save small businesses some serious money?"
From the Houston Chronicle: “Our whole industry believes this is the next big change, and like any change, there will be winners and...
Andy Adams
Sep 4, 2014
DC Circuit Court Vacates Halbig Decision
As we noted here, the DC Circuit has vacated its panel decision deciding the ACA shoud be enforced as it reads to NOT allow subsidies...

Andy Adams
Sep 4, 2014
Health Insurance Premiums Set to Increase - Shocking!
With open enrollment for ‘Obamacare’ in 2015 starting in mid-November, experts are predicting big increases in premiums in many states. ...
Andy Adams
Jul 31, 2014
How BIG is Halbig? Answer: Too early to tell
The legal challenges to the ACA just keep on coming. We discussed the mixed bag that was the Hobby Lobby decision last month. For July,...
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